Автор Lfiekz задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
Эссе на английском про лето 150 слов. Переведите с русского.Буду безмерно благодарна. и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Евгения[гуру]
I'm not very happy this summer. In June, I was taking exams, which took much time and nerves. At the same time 1.5 months, when all the rest, I worked with. The second half of the summer was more fun, I rested in my village, "Golovlino", where I have many friends, with whom we went swimming, went to pick berries, walking at night, lit bonfires and a very nice vacation. Summer is over before it began. Hopefully, next summer will be more successful and fun.
Источник: как-то так 🙂
Ответ от Lizzy[гуру]
I'm not very satisfied with this summer. I was taking exams in June, it took much time and nerves. I worked during one and a half month, when everybody had their rest. The second half of the summer was more interesting, I rested in the village of Golo
I'm not very satisfied with this summer. I was taking exams in June, it took much time and nerves. I worked during one and a half month, when everybody had their rest. The second half of the summer was more interesting, I rested in the village of Golo
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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