белый медведь по английски

Автор Ёергей Кумаритов задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Ирина[гуру]
White bear is the largest predator of fauna. The mass of males is 400-500 kg, females - to 380 kg. The bear excellently floats and dives. Quickly moves on ice.
Polar bears hunt on cubs of walruses, eat also sea emissions, fish and birds. The maximum life expectancy of a polar bear - 25-30 years.
A polar bear has the extended trunk, a long mobile neck and the small head, with rather narrow forehead and the small, highly put eyes. This animal has very strong paws with big claws. Bear's foots are the wide. Wool covers all body of an animal and has the white coloring which isn't changing on seasons of year. And here skin of a polar bear is dark, almost black color.
Polar bears are included in the Red List of Russia.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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