how to keep fit сочинение

Автор Ђимофей Кануников задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от -[активный]
No matter what your speed is, walking, jogging and cycling are very important parts of a healthy lifestyle as they are activities that keep your muscles active and your blood flowing. If you need to keep your knees strong or have body aches and pains then cycling is the best solution.[2]
Come up with a daily walking, jogging or cycling routine that fits with your schedule (i.e. go for a jog everyday at 6:00 p.m.). After a while you can increase your distance, speed and eventually time.
Go out of your way to walk more. For example, if you go to the grocery store try to park in the farthest spot from the entrance so you are forced to walk those extra steps to get there.
Walk or bike to work/school. If you live close enough to work or school a good solution would be to start walking or cycling.
If you jog you should jog at least a kilometer to keep the fat off, but it is very important to pace yourself.

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