put the words in the correct order

Автор Ѝльмира Полежаева задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

английский помощь нужна) и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Влад Ельчанинов[гуру]
Alex and professor decided to look around.
They went on a dangerous journey to look for the center of the earth.
They saw huge elephants.
Their raft broke against rocks.
They found a very old knife.
They were in the center of the earth

Ответ от Жанна Соколовская[новичек]
Alex and professor decided to look around.
They went on a dangerous journey to look for the center of the earth.
They saw huge elephants.
Their raft broke against rocks.
They found a very old knife.
They were in the center of the earth

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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1) The musicians are performing.
Are the musicians performing?
The musicians aren't
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1) make homework. do hurm
2) make tea, do your best

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