Автор Arever Jo Egny задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
5 типов вопросов к тексту! и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Lanusia[гуру]
Is Bishopton a small place near London?
Does Floy write the answers in her book?
What does Philip look through every morning?
What is Floy Robinson?
к подлежащему
Who usually has lunch at home?
Who learns French with pleasure?
In the evening Floy has French lessons, doesn't she?
Philip Blake is Mr Blake's elder son, isn't he?
Does Philip work in London or in Manchester?
Is Floy's office large or small?
Vera Demina
такие вопросы сохраняют порядок слов утвердительного предложения, то есть вопросительное слово (WHAT or WHO) выступает в качестве подлежащего, далее следует сказуемое и все остальные члены предложения, то есть нет модального или вспомогательного вопроса, использующегося во всех других типах вопросов
1) Is Philip Blake a son of Mr Blake?
Has Philip Blake got a house in Bishopton?
2) Where is Bishopton located?
Where does Philip work?
3) He is a manger of a plant, isn't he?
He doesn't go to his office on Saturday, does he?
4) Does Philip look though newspapers or watch TV every morning?
Does Floy Robinson come to the office at nine or ten every morning?
5) Who writes the answers to the letters?
Who learns the French language?