a b turn right at the corner

Автор M@shut@ задал вопрос в разделе Гуманитарные науки

Английский язык,помогите!!!! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Miss vesna[активный]
1- my answer was absolutely right
2- Are you sure that this is right telephone number
3- turn right on the corner of the street and you will see big grey building
4- everyone has th right to express own opinion
ну блин, тут только что только одна картинка была. это уже наглость. делай домашку!!))

Ответ от Mani[мастер]
Сёрьёзно, учи английский, пригодится)) )
ЗЫ: Перевела она правильно^_^

Ответ от Натали[гуру]
1- my answer was absolutely right
2- Are you sure that this is a right telephone number
3- turn right on the corner of the street and you will see a big grey building
4- everyone has a right to express his own opinion
1- Television is an important means of communication
What means of transport do you prefer?
English is a means of international business communication
Остальные - 2 колонка

Ответ от Артём Гвоздков[мастер]
My answer was absolutely right
Are you sure that this is a true telephone number
Turn right at the corner of the street and you will see a huge grey building
Everyone is allowed to say his opinion

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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