a book to read on holidays диалог

Автор Kostya Uritskiy задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Помогите сделать легкое задание по английски, Всем 10 баллов!!! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ёергей Петров[гуру]
2.We are working at a club for three weeks in the holidays.
3. Cathy watches all the soap operas on TV.
4. Mick has a stressful lifestyle, he is a police officer.
5. I am writing a book about New York. I am interviewing some police officers at the moment.
Второе задание
( Present Simple or Present Continuous?)
Rean and complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Mr Jackson: Where's David?
Mrs Jackson: In the sitting room. Peter's with him.
Mr Jackson: Is he? He (1) doesn't go (not go) in the sitting room in the evening when we (2) are watching TV. He (3) does not talk to us. He (4) stays in his bedroom. But when Peter (5) comes he (6) sits in the sitting room with him. What (7) are they doing now?
Mrs Jackson: They (8) are playing their guitars and (9) writing a song.
Mr Jackson: I (10) do not like Peter. David (11) does not do his homework when Peter (12) is here. They (13) talk for hours,
Mr Jackson: Well, they (14) are not talking now and I think the song they (15) are writing together is very good.

Ответ от Julia Vist[гуру]
А что за книга, собственно говоря? Название? Автор?

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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