a dog and three dollars

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Ответ от Леди Лео ? Ясноокая ?[гуру]
A Dog and Three Dollars ( a short story by M. Twain)
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I have always believed that a man must be honest. I never ask for money I have not earned. This is a story to show you how honest I have always been all my life.
Once I met General Miles. Не was a nice man and we became great friends. Once he asked me why we had not met in Washington in 1867, though we both lived there that time. I answered that he could not remember me, because he had already been a great general then. But we met!
I was a poor young writer whom nobody knew and whose books nobody read. I had a friend, a poor writer too. We lived and did everything together: worked, read books, went for walks together, we were hungry “together”. Once we were in need of three dollars. We had to have the money by the evening.
We both went out of the house to try to get the money. I did not know how to get the three dollars. I was walking along the streets of Washington and was very tired. At last I came to a big hotel. I came in to have a rest. I was sitting there when a beautiful small dog ran into the hall. It was looking for somebody. I called it and began to play with it.
A man came into the hall, he was General Miles. I recognized him by his pictures in the newspapers. Suddenly General fancied to buy the dog for 50 $ thinking it’s mine. I agreed, but insisted on only 3 $. We made a deal. Ten minutes later an old man came in looking for his own dog. He wanted me to help him for 10 $, but again I insisted on only 3!
I went up to General Miles's room. "I shall give you back your three dollars, but I must take the dog back", I said . "I could not sell it to you, sir, because it was not my dog." General Miles was very angry . He shouted.
Anyway I brought the dog back to its master, he was very happy and paid me three dollars with joy. I was happy too because I had the money, and I felt I earned it. So, honesty is the best policy! A man must never take anything that he has not earned.

Ответ от Марина Виселёва[новичек]
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Ответ от ух ты, говорящая рыба![гуру]
In some questions I was too scrupulous: when I was small, I could not use the money extracted by a dishonest method. I tried time and again, but virtue always triumphed. I had a good familiar lieutenant general Nelson A.Males. In New York he gave a magnificent dinner and before going to desktop, he asked:
-We are familiar with you thirty years, whether not so?
On what I the answer, what yes. Then he told:
- After all we could meet in 1867 in Washington...We after all were there in at one time?
On what I reminded him that then I was the unknown author and often starved. If we met, this meeting would not remain in our storage. Here I directed conversation on other way and had to that a sufficient occasion. I could remind without effort to the general that all of us met, but did not make it as was afraid is embarrassed. In Washington I had a friend together with whom I developed the plan on getting of money for a daily bread: we created newspaper syndicate, were registered in provincial newspapers as reporters and sent the same text to all our publishers. As soon as the remittance hardly was delayed, as both of us starved.There was just such time. On three dollars were badly necessary. Any more I do not remember what for, but were very necessary. My friend sent me to search for these three dollars. I a solid hour vegetated in the street, without knowing how to get this money and came into magnificent hotel to have a rest.Suddenly the doggie ran in and started to make up. The general entered into foyer and saw, how I play with this doggie and told:
- What lovely and wonderful doggie, do not sell it to me?
I the answer that I can sell it.
- How many ask for her?
- Rub dollar.
The general was surprised and declared that such dog costs not less than fifty dollars. Also insisted on that. To sell it for fifty dollars. But I sold it only for three. The general withdrew a dog to itself in number as the elderly person there and then entered. I asked, whether he searches for a dog, on what he asked, whether I know where she. I promised to find a dog for reward in three dollars. Then rose in number of the general. That played with a dog.I told that came for a dog as should return to her master. On what the general with astonishment looked at me and asked:
- Unless it not your dog?
I responded that was not present.
- How you to me sold it?
We long argued:
I told:
- You ask the strange question. I sold it because you asked. You
Suggested to buy a dog, you cannot deny it. I did not impose her
To you also did not think at all her to sell, but it seemed to me that time
It is represented to render a case to you service...
Eventually he gave me a dog, and I gave him his three dollars. Returning a dog to the master, I with a clear conscience took from him three dollars. I never could
To spend three dollars which I received for a dog because the dog was
The stranger. But three dollars which I received, returning a dog to the owner, there were I
Entirely, for I earned their fair work. Without me he,
Probably, would not find a dog, would lose her for ever.

Ответ от Лида аурова[новичек]
Собака и три доллара (М. Твен)
Я всегда считал, что человек должен быть честным. "Никогда не просите денег Вы не заработали", я всегда говорил.
Сейчас я расскажу вам историю, которая покажет вам, насколько честен я всегда, всю жизнь.
Несколько дней назад в доме моего друга я встретил генерал Майлз. Генерал Майлз был прекрасным мужчиной и мы стали очень быстро хорошими друзьями...

Ответ от Влад харламов[новичек]
idite naxyu

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