a visit to the zoo

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Ответ от Ирина Шиляева[гуру]
Kiev Zoo.
It was a sunny summer day. My mother and I decided to go to the zoo. I was an eleven-year-old boy and it was an impressive experience for me. First, we saw a flock of swans, they all were white except one, it was black and very proud of his unusual feathers. The next thing was a cage with one lion. The ideal predator was very calm, it was just looking at people and occasionally yawning. The most unforgettable moment was meeting with one of the biggest animals on the Earth, an elephant. It was really enormous. I would never have thought how huge it could be in real life. Besides, we saw sparrows and owls, monkeys, tigers, polar bears, crocodiles, frogs and rare insects. All these made a great influence on me and after that visit I loved the nature even more.
At the end of that day I was tired and happy. The whole night I saw dreams about fantastic animals and other unreal creatures. They all were telling me the same thing, it was something very important but unfortunately when I woke up I forgot it.
Ирина Шиляева
спасибо. похоже, сами разобрались ))

Ответ от АLexxx Ропша[новичек]
500 рублей. время-деньги

Ответ от Ёергей Логинов[гуру]
Нет времени, но:
...they all WERE white except FOR one...

Ответ от Артем nkknn[мастер]
о животных говорят не he или she, а it / I have never been able to imagine HOW IT IS HUGE IN real life....

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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