афанасий никитин биография на английском

Афанасий никитин на английском

Автор Анна Игоревна задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Переведите пожалуйста текст с русского на английский! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ирина Красовская[активный]
Athanasius Nikitin - Russia is a traveler, author, Tver merchant, by well-known notes, known as "Going Beyond Three Seas". He was born to a normal peasant. Traveled to Persia and India, which is how he became famous more than anything. No pre-planning travel for three seas, Nikitin was the first European who gave a valuable description of medieval India, by describing it simply and honestly. His recordings are deprived of racial profiling and is a remarkable time for religious tolerance. His feat Nikitin proved that in the 2nd half of the 15 th century, 30 years before the Portuguese "discovery" of India, traveling there might not even make a rich, but purposeful person. In the name of Nikitin, hero of many historical novels, and in 1957 was named the top large underwater mountain range in the Indian Ocean near the equator. In 1955, in Tver, a monument to him.
YA very glad that on earth had such great men as Athanasius Nikitin!

Ответ от Џся[гуру]
Athanasius Nikitin is the Russian traveller, the author, the Tver dealer, the author of the known notes known under the name " Circulation for three моря". He was born in a family of the usual peasant. Has made travel to Persia and India, than it and has become famous most of all. Without planning in advance travel for three seas, Nikitin has appeared the first European who has given the valuable description of medieval India, having depicted it is simple and truthful. Its records are deprived the racial approach and differ rare the then toleration. The feat Nikitin has proved that in 2nd half of 15 centuries, 30 years prior to Portuguese " открытия" India, travel even not rich, but the purposeful person there could make. Athanasius Nikitin's name, the hero of many historical stories, in 1957 names top of large underwater hills in Indian ocean near to equator. In 1955 in Tver the monument is put it. I am very glad that on the Earth there were such great people, as Athanasius Nikitin!

Ответ от ***[гуру]
а сама:?

Ответ от Ramzes[новичек]
Athanasius Nikitin is the Russian traveller, the author, the Tver dealer, the author of the known notes known under the name " Circulation for three моря". He was born in a family of the usual peasant. Has made travel to Persia and India, than it and has become famous most of all. Without planning in advance travel for three seas, Nikitin has appeared the first European who has given the valuable description of medieval India, having depicted it is simple and truthful. Its records are deprived the racial approach and differ rare the then toleration. The feat Nikitin has proved that in 2nd half of 15 centuries, 30 years prior to Portuguese " открытия" India, travel even not rich, but the purposeful person there could make. Athanasius Nikitin's name, the hero of many historical stories, in 1957 names top of large underwater hills in Indian ocean near to equator. In 1955 in Tver the monument is put it. I am very glad that on the Earth there were such great people, as Athanasius Nikitin!

Ответ от Максим Александрович[новичек]
всё я всё поняла

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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