as you are the weekend перевод

Автор Ёветлана Ефимова задал вопрос в разделе Гуманитарные науки

АНГЛ срочно перевод и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Alex[активный]
ссылка переводите.

Ответ от Илья Бургонов[активный]
Today I have read тво ё the letter. Having read it(him), I have understood, you very much серьёзный the man. You study 3 foreign languages: англ, French, German. And it requires(demands) a lot of time and forces. Certainly I wish to you successes in all your undertakings.
... Certainly I have some problems at school. We investigate many subjects at school: mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, Russian. Each day till 6 lessons. I have problems with humanitarian subjects, foreign languages are very hardly given to me. You can will help me with their study? And I to you with exact sciences. As you know, I very well understand in physics and chemistry.
The target(day off) have passed very well. We with семьёй went in деревню to the grandmother.
I wait with impatience of your following letter.

Ответ от ROCK[гуру]
Тoday I have read your letter. Having read it, I have understood, you very serious person. You study 3 foreign languages: англ, French, German. And it demands a lot of time and forces. Certainly I wish you successes in all your undertakings.
... Certainly I have some problems at school. We study many subjects at school: mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, Russian. Every day on 6 lessons. I have problems with humanitarian subjects, foreign languages are very hard given to me. You can will help me with their studying? And I to you with the exact sciences. As you know, I very well understand the physicist and chemistry.
Days off have passed very well. We with a family went in village to the grandmother.
I look forward your following letter.

Ответ от Alijon Nalibaev[новичек]
I've read today the letter you sent me. And I've got - you are a serious person, because you're studying languages of English, French, and German. And those require a lot of time and will. Of course, I wish you success with that.

As every school student I have some problem in my school. A lot of subjects we should get. They are math, physics, chemistry, English, Russian. Every day I have 6 periods in the school. I have difficulties in social studies, and languages. May be you can help me with that, and I will help you with sciences. As you already know I'm good in physics and chemistry.

Last weekend was enjoyable for me. We were out the city, in my grandma’s village house in suburban.

I'll be impatient in expectation of your respond.

Ответ от Mimi Mimi[гуру]
I've read your letter today. Having read it, I realized that you are a very serious person. You study 3 foreign languages, such as: English, French, and German. And this requires a lot of time and efforts. I certainl wish you success in all your undertakings....I surely have some problems at school. We study a lot of subject at school. They are: Maths, Physics, Chemstry, English, and the Russian Language. I have 6 lessons per day. I have some problems (troubles) with humanitarians, and I don't do well at foreign languages. Will you help me in studying them? And I'll help you with exact sciencies. As you know, I'm good at Physics and Chemistry.
The week-end went smoothlyt. My family and me went to the country-side, to the Granny's.
I'm looking forward to your next letter.

Ответ от Оля пропро[новичек]
друзья, никогда не пользуйтесь онлайн переводчиками - получается бред сивой кобылы в лунную ночь!!

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: АНГЛ срочно перевод
спросили в 821 год
Люди помогите пожалуйста! умоляю! Нужно написать приглашение на Новый Год другу по английскому. Очень надо на завтра.
Вы хотя бы на русском напишите. А с переводом помочь можно. Если только не большой. Старайтесь

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