Автор S.E.R.G.O. задал вопрос в разделе Железо
Звуковая карта Creative SoundBlaster Audigy SE будет ли в ней ASIO через KX и работа FL Studio с Asio и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Искандер Гафаров[гуру]
Искать надо, товарищ. На сайте kX написано: Q. Which soundcards can I use with the kX driver? A. Currently, kX-compatible soundcards include all EMU10k1 and EMU10k2-based PC soundcards manufactured by Creative Technology Ltd. and/or E-mu Systems Inc., including: The E-mu Audio Production Studio (APS) card The motherboard models of 10k1 cards (M002, M003 and others) PCI256 (CT4890, CT4891 and CT4893) and PCI512 (CT4820 and SB0150) including OEM model (CT4790) The original Live! (CT4620) and Live! Value cards (CT4670) The Live! X-Gamer, Live! MP3+, Live! Player 1024, Live! Platinum cards (CT4760) and value cards (CT4780) The Live! X-Gamer 5.1, Live! MP3+ 5.1, Live! Player 5.1, Live! Platinum 5.1, Live! Digital Entertainment 5.1 cards (SB0060, SB0100, SB0102, SB0220, SB0222, SB0103 and SB0105) and Value 5.1 (SB0101) The generic and custom OEM Live cards (CT4830, CT4831, CT4832, CT4850, CT4870, CT4871 and CT4872) The Audigy series, including the Audigy MP3+, X-Gamer, Platinum and OEM cards (CT0070, CT0072, SB0090 and SB0092). The Audigy 2 series, including Gamer, Platinum, Platinum eX and OEM cards (SB0242, SB0244, SB0320, SB0240, SB0240P, SB0280). The Audigy 2 ZS series, including Audigy 2 ZS Gamer, Platinum and OEM cards (SB0350). The Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro is not fully supported yet. There are issues with the line in ADC. 24/96 support for the Audigy 2 and Audigy 2 ZS cards is under development. Audigy 2 Value (SB0400), Audigy 2 ZS Notebook (SB0350) and Audigy 4 Pro (SB0380) cards are partially supported. The Dell OEM SB Live! (SB020x) is not yet supported since it uses a custom version of the EMU10k1, whose details are unknown. Experimental support may be provided when more information about it becomes available. Soundblaster Live! 5.1 cards (SB022x) are supported. Soundblaster Live! 24 Bit and Audigy LS are incompatible with kX, since they do not use the 10kX chips. Audigy2 ZS Notebook is supported, although some limitations apply. E-mu E-DSP based PCI devices are supported (0404, 1212, 1820, ..). Extigy is NOT supported and will not be supported. X-Fi is NOT supported and will not be supported. Исходя из вышенаписанного, Audigy SE карт в списке не видно. P.S. А с какой радости она должна НЕ работать во фруктах? И ваще лучше обзавестись какой-нить ESI Julia/Maya карточкой, чем такой.
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