
Backstabber перевод

Автор Евгений Самойленко задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Как переводится backstabber и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Koyasha[гуру]
back - спина (1 из значений)
stab - удар острым оружием
Т. о. имеем дословно - нехороший человек, который пырнул тебя ножом в спину, когда ты, ничего не подозревая, отвернулся. Ты не ожидал такого от этого человека, но он оказался именно таким, предателем и уродом.

Ответ от Romashka[гуру]
Вероломный человек

Ответ от NoHealer JustPain[гуру]
1. Backstabber 245 up, 19 down love it hate it
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People who you think are friends but then they attempt in causing your downfall.
Dominic is a frickin' backstabber.
by Tai-chan Aug 20, 2005 share this
2. backstabber 214 up, 12 down love it hate it
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someone who acts like your friend, pretends they care about you then purposely continues to carry out actions that they know hurt you
continuing to sleep with someone you're in love with then calling you one of their 'best friends'
by Natalie Sep 8, 2004 share this
3. backstabber 190 up, 8 down love it hate it
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A person who pretends to be a friend, but then betrays you
Trust No one!! life's full of backstabers
by AC Dec 3, 2003 share this
4. backstabber 102 up, 4 down love it hate it
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someone who pretends to be your friend, becomes close to you,
and leads you to believe you are the best of friends, until the truth eventually surfaces.
anyone who stabs you in the back are way insecure with themselves & they don't deserve to be in your life. forget them.
my best friend stabbed me in the back this year, more than once.
sam and her new horse-faced friend are backstabbers.
traitor turncoat bully delilah losers
by xoxo. a Jul 19, 2006 share this
5. backstabber 88 up, 11 down love it hate it
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all your so-called friends who turn around and screw you over
Until second semester our group of friends was close until everyone started dating each other, we found out who the REAL backstabbers were, thanks you guys.
by jlo Jun 16, 2003 share this
6. backstabber 99 up, 38 down love it hate it
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a "friend" who seems to be ur "friend" 4 about 6 months then has nothing to do w/ u and makes excuses wen u invite them over or to do things because they have new "friends", who will most likeley discared like trash
we were good friends for about 6 months then "they" got new punk "freinds" and now "they" make excuses y we cant hang out any more
by wake up and smell the betrail Jan 8, 2005 share this
7. backstabber 62 up, 7 down love it hate it
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some one who says something to your face and another thing about you behind your back
NIALL:dude1 that song you wrote rocks i love it! im gonna write in on my dick so ill never forget it!
Dude1:ok cool but i gtg see ya!
Dude2: so niall what did he say
NIALL: oh he was being a fucking showoff about his song
Dude2: that song sucks though!
NIALL: yea i know man he fucking gets on my nerves
Dude1: Niall you backstabber
Niall: fuck off you lieing cunt! i dont fucking like you because your so arrogant!
Dude1: look in the fucking mirror and think
niall drummer arrogant band songs poser
by That Bass player you pissed off Jul 14, 2006 share this
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