Леонардо да винчи на английском языке
Автор Natalika задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи
Подскажите где можно взять биографию Леонарадо Да Винчи на английском и русском языке одновременно? и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Викуська Михальчук[новичек]
Leonardo da Vinci was born April 15, 1452 in the town of Vinci, near Florence (Italy).
The father of Leonardo, Piero Vinci, was a notary and a fairly rich man, had the title of Messer and land in possession. Total Piero Vinci in his life became the father of twelve children and at least four times married.
Da Vinci's mother, Katarina, was a peasant. Many biographers attribute it to that next genius was illegitimate. During the Renaissance, the position of illegitimate children differed little from the law, so that Leonardo da Vinci was no objection, recognized his father and sent with his mother in the village. From there he was taken to the age of four, and was brought da Vinci is in the father's family.
Leonardo da Vinci got home Primary education: learning to read, write, and mastered the basics of mathematics and Latin. His brushwork is of special interest. Da Vinci was left-handed and preferred to write from right to left, in mirror image. Although he could easily write traditionally.
1469 - along with his father Leonardo moved to Florence. Perhaps Piero Vinci dreamed that his son inherited his profession, but an illegitimate could not then become either a lawyer or a doctor. Was chosen profession of the artist - not the most respected at that time.
1472 - the first public document to meet the name of Leonardo Vinci. It was a book may Florentine artists.
1467 (1469) - 1476 years - to the Vinci learns and works of Andrea del Verrocchio Botteghe. It was one of the most famous Florentine artists of the time, is also engaged in sculpture, jewelry business, and the device holidays.
1470's - Andrea del Verrocchio was commissioned painting "The Baptism of Christ". The Master admitted to his work students, they subscribed to secondary figures and occasionally worked on landscapes. According to legend, by Leonardo Vinci, belongs to the person and, possibly, figure left of the two angels.
1472 - Leonardo accepted into the guild of painters.
1473 - the first independent dated work of Leonardo da Vinci. It was a landscape, a sketch of the river valley.
1474 - a painting "The Annunciation".
1476 - Da Vinci and some of his friends were arrested on suspicion of sodomy. This was the heyday of the Inquisition, and the matter might have ended tragically, but among friends, Leonardo was the son of one of the nobles of Florence. Those arrested have been released.
1,476 or 1,478 years - Leonardo da Vinci has opened his own workshop in Florence.
1478 - created the picture "Benois Madonna". Stored in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, as well as "Madonna Litta", a year of writing which is not installed.
The same year - a portrait of Ginevra dei Bichei. Together with the "Benois Madonna", this work is the culmination of the early period of creativity of Leonardo da Vinci.
1482 - 1499 years - Leonardo in Milan, is a military engineer, architect, sculptor and painter of the Duke Ludovico Sforza.
Ludovico Sforza had a reputation as a tyrant, and in Italy it is not love, though he considered him. But the Medici ruled Florence, which for some reason disliked da Vinci, so he felt more deserving Sforza patron for themselves and left Florence. First, the artist studied device celebrations at the court of the Duke, invented not only the amazing costumes, but also the mechanical 'miracles'. Very soon, Ludovico Sforza became widely known celebrations is in his court. Leonardo performing the duties of hydraulic engineering, engineer and artist, and the salary received is very small - there is evidence that even the court dwarf Sforza earned more. Only a few years da Vinci became the court architect and engineer. All this time he was engaged in their own scientific and technical projects, but they are not interested in Duke.
1483 - 1494 years - work on the first version of the "Madonna of the Rocks."
1484 - 1485 years - the plague in Milan. Killed more than 50 thousand people. Da Vinci drew the attention of the Duke of the
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