british people

Автор Арина Воробьёва задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

помогите ответить на вопрос на англ. языке In what way the British people differ from people from the Continent. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Nadya F[гуру]
The British people are polite and well-mannered.They are reserved, they don`t show their emotions and feelings even in dangerous and tragic situation. No doubt, the English are rather conservative,they love familiar things. The English are practical and realistic.Everything is orderly:the lawns and the trees are neatly trimmed.Besides,Englishman is a countryman at heart. The British people are the world`s greatest tea-drinkers.They drink strong tea with milk. As far as I know, they are pet lovers.

Ответ от Катя Капитонова[новичек]
The British people are polite and well-mannered.They are reserved, they don`t show their emotions and feelings even in dangerous and tragic situation. No doubt, the English are rather conservative,they love familiar things. The English are practical and r

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