change the verbs from active into passive

Автор Џрослав Никитин задал вопрос в разделе Естественные науки

English и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от ЛОЛИТА АРУТЮНЯН[новичек]
э это задания 5 класса нужно с активного залога перевести в пассивный

Ответ от _Diamond[мастер]
везде в конце by ...
A small box was founded in the garden
the picture was hanged on the wall
the poem was learned by heart
the final match was winned with the score 5:2
the excersice was done after class
these pictures were taken while travelling in Africa
the blue dress was chosen because it was longer
the cottage was built at the beginnning of the 19 centure
the cake was cut into small pieces
the old letters were kept in a small green box

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