Автор Женя Шустова задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
Предложения по английскому и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от
1 - d
2 - d
3 - a
Ответ от Анастасия Ц[активный]
Ответ от Nadya F[гуру]
1. In the past people protected …themselves by high walls.
A) they
B) himself
C) their
D) themselves
2)He asked me …what my name was..
A) what was name
B) are the my name
C) the my name is
D) what my name was
3)People should explore… the world around them.
A) explore
B) search
C) study
D) examine
1. In the past people protected …themselves by high walls.
A) they
B) himself
C) their
D) themselves
2)He asked me …what my name was..
A) what was name
B) are the my name
C) the my name is
D) what my name was
3)People should explore… the world around them.
A) explore
B) search
C) study
D) examine
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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