come at me bro перевод

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Прошу вас люди помогите мне перевести и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ёпящее солнце[гуру]
Do you know what will you be doing this evening? I wonder when will your brother come to Moscow again. I am very sorry I won't be able to come. Have you been waiting for me? We will be getting ready for the exams on one of these weeks. You had been traveling this time last year, hadn't you?

Ответ от Гундик[новичек]
А что сложно отправить в переводчик?

Ответ от Пользователь удален[активный]
Do you know what you will do this evening?
I wonder when you brother will come to Moscow again?
Я не очень жаль что я не смогу прийти. - ЭТО ВАЩЕ КАК? ? напиши нормаьлно=))
Did you wait me?
We will preparing for exems next week.
Were you travelling at this time last year?
Чуть что извини за лшибки, но я уверена что перевела правильно=)) сама=))

Ответ от Rinatex_89[гуру]
Do you know, what you will do at evening? I wonder when your brother will come again in Moscow? I'm not have а pity that I can't to come. Have you waited me? Next week we will prepare to the exams. Did you travel at that time last year?

Ответ от Пользователь удален[активный]
Do you know what will you be doing this evening? I wonder when will your brother come to Moscow again. I am very sorry I won't be able to come. Have you been waiting for me? We will be getting ready for the exams on one of these weeks. You had been traveling this time last year, hadn't you?

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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