complete the sentences with prepositions

Автор Ирина задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Marina Z[мастер]
1. They usually put the number of a page at the bottom of it.
2. If you talk in riddles, no one will understand you.
3. There was a small cottage on the top of the hill.
4. What is reason for speaking so rudely with them?
5. His offer is a challenge for me.
6. My younger brother never showed any respect for me.
7. The note on the table was for my parents.
8. There was a huge pile of papers near her computer.
9. I have just finished wrapping up the vase I`m going to give my mother for X-mas.
10. You can show your respect to the rules by following them.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: помогите решить задание по англ языку
спросили в Kyoto Animation
кто нибудь пожалуйста помогите с английским!!!
2 Make two passive constructions Trom one active one. 1. The librarian gave us an application- An
спросили в Hell in a Cell
Complete the sentences with prepositions and adverbs. Пожалуйсто ,помогите!
1)They usually put the number of a page__AT___ the bottom of it.2)If you talk__TO__RIDDLES,no one

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition and the gerund
А чето уже сложноватое задание местами, я бы сказал. кое-где сомневаюмь проверьте сами по словарям

Use the prepositions and adverbs where necessary and complete the sentences.
А. 1) away 2) out 3) in/out 4) in 5) away 6) - 7) from 8)away
B. 1) on, up 2) of, -,- 3) on 4)

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