complete the tag questions and answer them

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Ответ от Елена Хлопенко[гуру]
1 You didnt go anywhere, DID you? - Yes, I did. I went to my grandparents this summer. (По-русски звучит НЕТ, я ездил, но в английском здесь надо Yes, так как первая часть вопроса отрицательная) )
2 You stayed in your home town, DIDN'T you? - No, I didn't. I went to Yalta on vacation.
3 The weather was terrible in the summer, WASN'T IT? - Yes, it was. It was too hot. The heat was unbearable.
4 It never rained in the summer, DID IT? - Yes, it did. (Нет, дождь был. ) No, it didn't. ( Да, дождя не было)
5 you often went with you, Вы уверены, что два you в предложении? Ты часто ходил с тобой??? ?
6 nobody went with you, DID THEY? - Yes, they did. (Нет, они, то есть кто-то ЕЗДИЛ со мной) My parents went with me to Yalta.
7 you didnt make sandcastles on the beach, DID YOU? No, I didn't (ДА, я НЕ делал) I made them at home beforehand.
8 you had a lot of fun, DIDN'T you? - Yes, I did. I enjoyed myself!
9 you couldn't go abroad, COULD you? - No, I couldn't (ДА, я НЕ мог выехать заграницу) It was too expensive for me. My family couldn't afford going abroad in the summer.
10 your parents were with you during the summer, WEREN'T they? - Yes, they were. My mum was on holiday for 3 weeks.
11 you weren't in north of our country,WERE you? - No, I wasn't. (ДА, я НЕ был. )
12 you didn't go to the forest much, DID you? - No, I didn't. (Да, я НЕ ходил часто в лес). This summer the situation in the forest was fire-hazardous because of the scorching sun.
13 you saw a lot of interesting places, DIDN't you? - No, I didn't. I didn't travel much this summer.
14 you didn't write a diary, DID you? - No, I didn't. I have never done it.
15 you invited nobody to visit you, DID you? - Yes, I did. (Нет, я пригласил) I invited my aunt with the cousins. They visited us in the late July.

Ответ от Victor F[гуру]
1. ..did yoy? No, I didn't.
2. didnt you? Yes, I did.
3. wasn't it. Yes, it was.
4. did it? No, it didn't.
5. didn't you? Yes, I did.
6. did they? No, they didn't.
7. did you? No, I didn't.
8. hadn't you? No, I had not.
9.could you? No, I couldn't.
10. weren't they? No, they were not.
11.were you? No, we were not.
12. did you? No, I didn't.
13. did you? No, I didn't.
14. did you? No, I didn't.
15. didn't you? Yes, I did. I invited nobody to visit me.
Good luck!

Ответ от Ѐинат[новичек]
Елена Хлопенко, вы умница!

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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