crime and punishment

Crime and punishment топик

Автор Дарья L задал вопрос в разделе Образование

топик Crime and punishment и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ольга Туленкова[гуру]
Nowadays one of the most burning problems of our society is crime. Too pity, that there is too little pecent of detected transgressions. Criminals often plan their deals properly and it's very difficult to understand who has commited the crime. Many people don't understand what the word "crime" means. They don't think, that if they have stolen something tiny and insignificant, they had done something bad. To my mind, it's a widespread mistake. Unfortunately, a giant number of people don't have conscience. It's easy for them to steal something. As for me, I'm too conscience-stricken, therefore I haven't pilfered anything in my life.
Только что сама написала, в инете такого точно не может быть. Если нужен перевод, то пишите на мыло.
P.S. Вам к какому дню нужно?
Ольга Туленкова
Да не за что, практика никому не помешает))

Ответ от Андрей Лепилов[гуру]
Конкретизируйте вопрос!

Ответ от Марина Некулча[гуру]

Ответ от Пользователь удален[гуру]
Дашенька пишы коректно!!!!

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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