Диалог на английском продавец и покупатель
Автор DimON задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания
Напишите пожалуйста небольшой диалог продавца одежды с покупателем на английском языке, заранее благодарен. и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от AnnRudik[новичек]
SH.- продавец
M. -покупатель
SH - Hello! Can I help you?
M- Yes, please! I would like a dress.
- There are a red, pink, green and gray dress. What is your favorite color?
-Oh, My favorite color is yellow, have you got it?
- No, we have not.
- Thanks, see you later!
Не уверенна что правильно )
Ответ от Serzh1.1[гуру]
The Buyer: Hello! It's been a busy day, isn't it? The Seller: Good evening! How can I help you? The Buyer: Yes, I think you might help me. I bought this disk in your shop. Unfortunately it turned out to be defective. The Seller: Well, let me t
The Buyer: Hello! It's been a busy day, isn't it? The Seller: Good evening! How can I help you? The Buyer: Yes, I think you might help me. I bought this disk in your shop. Unfortunately it turned out to be defective. The Seller: Well, let me t
Ответ от Булгакова[новичек]
SH - hello! I can help you?M- Yes! I would like to dress.-We have a lot of options. There are red, pink, green and gray dress. What's your favorite color?Oh, my favorite color is yellow,-good findoh what a beautiful dress!- ITS PRI
SH - hello! I can help you?M- Yes! I would like to dress.-We have a lot of options. There are red, pink, green and gray dress. What's your favorite color?Oh, my favorite color is yellow,-good findoh what a beautiful dress!- ITS PRI
Ответ от Антон Заика[новичек]
Buyer: Hello! Seller: Good evening! What can I do to help? Buyer: Yes, I think you can help me. I bought a coat in your store. Unfortunately, he was torn. Seller: well, let me think. I need to check it out, and I hope that You have a receipt?
Buyer: Hello! Seller: Good evening! What can I do to help? Buyer: Yes, I think you can help me. I bought a coat in your store. Unfortunately, he was torn. Seller: well, let me think. I need to check it out, and I hope that You have a receipt?
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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