eating out топик по английскому

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Очень нужен топик по англискому на счет eating out!!! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Simas Pocius[гуру]
There are dissimilarities as well as similarities in the food patterns used by different individuals and different families to meet their health needs. Nutritious meals can be prepared at home and/or selected at restaurants.
Eating a variety of foods is essential for good health.
Although most food likes and dislikes are learned in the family, some food choices are based on personal preferences. One member of a family may enjoy orange juice as a breakfast beverage, and another member may prefer milk; both choices are appropriate. Some individuals eat the same type of food every day for breakfast; other people enjoy many different foods for breakfast.
Other individual food patterns may be influenced by factors such as ethnic heritage, religion, or the region of a country.
Within a culture, there are similarities not only in the types of food eaten but also in the meal and snack patterns. Three meals a day is typical of the many countries. In addition, many people have a coffee break mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
Some people eat light meals for breakfast and lunch and a hearty evening meal. Other people eat large breakfast and noon meals and a light evening meal. Some people meet some of their food energy and nutrient needs with snacks. Other people never snack. In some cultures, people typically eat four meals daily; in other cultures, some eat two meals per day.
Most of the world's people eat a combination of plant and animal foods, although the proportions of each that they eat may vary. In some countries e.g., the United States, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Norway, Denmark, people obtain a substantial portion of their food energy from foods of animal origin. In other countries e.g., China, India, Mexico, people eat a limited amount of foods of animal origin and rely primarily on foods of plant origin for energy and nutrients.
In many subcultural groups in various of countries, some people avoid eating foods from animals; these people are called vegetarians. If food choices are well planned, such a diet can meet most health needs.
Similarities and differences in food patterns exist within cultures and among cultures. No single pattern of meals is best; health needs can be met with various patterns.
As the society get more modernized, the busier the people become, the faster the fast food culture becomes in handy. Static show that in most of the industrialized countries.Nowadays, most of the people have their everyday meal at restaurant or at some food stands. They don't realize how much they are being the cause for them to get cholesterol or heart diseases, not to mention putting on weights.
The fast-food restaurants usually offer limited menus but speedy service. Many meals available in restaurants are high in calories. However, it is possible to select nutritious meals even when menu choices are limited.Many restaurants, including fast-food restaurants, offer salad bars or pre-made salads with an array of foods many of which are vegetables.

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