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Автор Дарья Парфенова задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от $$@КрytoЙ@$$[гуру]
Presently all is painted that when and in how many. Also what to us not to be late for the affairs, to have to go by cars. It both comfortably and quickly. Though cars spoil environment, despite it, in the first quarter 2007 in Russia has been registered 36млн cars. In cities an awful gassed condition, it strongly influences a human body. In some cities, for example Kazan, there are streets on which cars do not go at all. We will admit that we will close our main street and on it there will not go cars. In what it will result? Jams in other streets, опаздывание in school and for work, discontent of drivers. However there are also positive sides of closing of street. Air in a city will be much purer, and, means, people will be more healthy. It is possible to enter a bicycle mode on this street, that is by it there will go only bicyclists. The Bicycle - good means for movement: health remains, air does not spoil. Though more slowly, than by the car. Nevertheless I for that what to forbid journey in the main street and to enter a bicycle mode. However it will not manage to be made, for the reason that in a city it is too much cars and it is a little expensive. And the government will not resolve.

Ответ от Надежда Родионова[новичек]
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Ниже я тебе уже там перевела. Только обязательно проверь еще раз сама. Иногда он неправильно переводит.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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