experience is the best teacher

Автор Женечка Лаврик задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Roland[гуру]
Кажется, что все кроме Алены пользовались переводчиком. Но в тексте Алены есть ошибки:
I agree with those words, because I also think, that experience is the best teacher. Everyone makes mistakes, and not only once, and no one is save from making them. When we have just made a mistake, we realize, that something is wrong, that it could be (done) better, but never learn from the mistakes and experience of others. We laugh at others and at the same time make those mistakes, that others make, too. All the time we have to deal with the question, of why we are making mistakes. I think, that due to them we develop experience, an indispensable teacher. We make experiences through all our life and learn from our mistakes.

Ответ от *Защитница животных*[гуру]
I agree with these words because too I consider that the best teacher is experience. Each person нераз did errors and нихто and never can help not to do them. Only having made, we realise that нетак that it could be better and never we study on errors, experience of others. We laugh from others and at this time we do errors same as well as this person. Before us the question will constantly stand why we do errors. I consider that thanking it at us to appear experience, the irreplaceable teacher. Experience comes throughout all life and all life we study on the errors

Ответ от Анзор Арсамаков[новичек]
I agree with these words because too I consider that the best teacher is experience. Each person нераз did errors and нихто and never can help not to do them. Only having made, we realise that нетак that it could be better and never we study on errors, experience of others. We laugh from others and at this time we do errors same as well as this person. Before us the question will constantly stand why we do errors. I consider that thanking it at us to appear experience, the irreplaceable teacher. Experience comes throughout all life and all life we study on the errors

Ответ от Carzzzz[эксперт]
I agree with these words because they too believe that the best teacher is experience. Everyone made mistakes and not reasonable Nicht and will never be able to help them not delat.Tolko doing, we recognize that netak that could be better, and never learn from mistakes, the experience of others. We laugh with others and at this time themselves make mistakes are the same as this man. We are constantly quibble question why we make mistakes. I believe that through them we have the experience, irreplaceable teacher. Experience comes to lifelong learning and life, we learn from our mistakes
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Ответ от Алена гусева[эксперт]
I agree with these words because I agree that the best teacher is an experience. People make mistakes and no one can help to prevent from making mistakes. But when we have just made a mistake we realise that something is wrong and it could have been all wright but still, we're not learning the lesson and go by the eperience of the other people. We laugh at them but do the same. Why do we make mistakes? Because when we realise that we made a mistake we understand that it was a new experience. We get the experience while living and take into consideration our mistakes.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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