Автор Bacardi_lover задал вопрос в разделе Образование
Вопос тем кто хорошо знает английский язык! и получил лучший ответ
Ответ от Ludmila4000[гуру]
100 years passed and the city of Brikhol hat changed very much. On the previous place of news agent it was built Bailey's. A 5-storied hotel was built instead of a 3-storied hotel. The cafe and Chemist were destroyed, and on their place a theatre was erected. The trees have vanished. New factories and plants are been erected everywhere. If I were one of the Brickhall town planner, I would forbid to cut down trees, because they provide fresh air for us. I prefer to live in th city, but if I have an opportunity, I try to leave it. Modern cities and towns could be improved by planting trees and craeting exhaust-free cars.
Уточни, что значит news agent, Bailey's и Chemist - мне кажется, тут возможны ошибки.
A president and a farmer. I think a farmer should love nature and animals. A farmer should not necessarily have higher education, but he must handle all his duties on the farm. While a president must have higher education, he should be not younger than 21 years old. A president is a public person and should always look perfectly, while a farmer could wear even dirty clothers. A president has a heavy schedule, he holds many meetings during one day. The working day of a farmer is more flexible, he can determine and controll his schedule by himself. If i could coose my future profession, I would become a farmer because I prefer a measured life to life in a rush.Ludmila4000
Смотри первый перевод в корне ветки.
помочь исправить?
Извини, помочь не могу
Переводчик в помощь!
Да, ошибок многовато уже с первых слов.. . Конструкция предложений не правильная.
Лучше разместите текст на русском и попросите перевести...
А тому кто еще не подрос--как быть?? ? Извени дружище подрасту, выучу и подскажу. ОКЕЙ!!!
Сам сочинял? Ошибок море!!!!
А к тем кто по русски хорошо знает ВОПОСОВ нет ?!
лингва, 11 версия
хм. . кто бы мне с английским помог 😉
ууу. что за грамотей это состовлял?
давай на русском сначало. там по ходу дела мы тут разберёмся
Много неправильно построенных предложений. грамматика хромает.
Да мне знание английского тоже не помешало бы
Ну и как? Перевели?
тебе надо с русского на английский или наоборот? присылай мне на почту, попробую помочь.. . просто по-английски процентов 90 неправильно или некорректно...
В 3 и 7 предложении ошибочки в грамотном переводе.
Что-то уж очень странно написан английский текст, особенно первый абзац! Этот стиль невозможно назвать классическим литературным, уж слишком много там намеков на ошибки!
А откуда сам текст взят? Или это порнографический перевод русских?)
After 100 years, the city of Brikhol has changed a lot. On a place where was located news agent now it is Bailey's. Instead of three-tier hotel was constructed five-floor hotel. The cafe and Chemist were removed, instead a theatre was build. Trees have disappeared. Now factories arebuild everywhere. If I was one of Brickhall town planner, I wouldn't let them cut off the trees because they clean the air. I prefer to live in a city but when there is an opportunity, I leave the city. Modern cities can be improved by planting trees and to introducing "green cars".
The president and the farmer. I think, the farmer should love nature, animals etc. To be the farmer, it is not necessary to have higher education, the farmer should be able to manage all his facilities. While the president should have higher education, he should be not younger than 21 years.
"The president all time is on a kind" -eto voobshe ne imeit nikakova smisla
, he should look ideally while the farmer may wear even dirty clothes. A working day of a president very nasty, in one day he may have several assemblies, meetings etc. A working day of a farmer on the contrary is more free, the farmer himself may establish and supervise his working schedule. If I had to chose whom to become, I would become a farmer because I like measured life rather then life in haste.
vot vrode bi tak. perevodil avtomati4eskim perevod4ikom? zametno.. smisla net... uda4ki
The town of Brickhall has changed a lot after 100 years. The Bailey's is built on the place of the news agent. There is a 5-floor hotel instead of a 3-floor one. They destroyed café and Chemist and built a theatre on their place. The trees have vanished. Factories are being built everywhere now. If I were one of Brickhall’s architects I would forbid cutting down trees because they give us clean air. I prefer to live in a city but if I get an opportunity I go to the country. Modern cities can be improved by planting trees and creating vehicles without harmful exhaust gas.
The President and a Farmer.
I think, a farmer should love nature, animals, etc. It’s not necessary to have higher education for a farmer, but he should keep his farming well. The President has to have higher education and he should be more then 21 years old. The President is always in sight, he should look perfectly, while a farmer may wear even dirty clothes. The President’s working day is very busy; he should hold a lot of meetings, etc. A farmer’s working day is freer; he may establish and supervise the schedule by himself. If I choose whom to become I would prefer to be a farmer because I like measured life more than life in a rush.
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