ferralux rwa

Автор Мистер Х задал вопрос в разделе Строительство и Ремонт

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Ответ от Алексей Удовенко[гуру]
Silicone Cable 4 x 0,75 mm² Cable Type: Li2G2G 4 x 0,75 mm² Ord.no.: 501042
Technical Data
• Copper strand, tin-coated, 32 x 0,2 mm
• Length of lay: 87 mm
• Core insulation: silicone, notch tough (FRNC)
• Shore hardness: A = 70
• Core color: blue / brown / black / white
• Cores stranded
• Jacket: silicone, notch tough (FRNC), grey (RAL 7001)
• Outside diameter: 7,0 +/- 0,3 mm
• Shore hardness: A = 70
• high moleculare oels
• vegetable and animal fats
• alcohol, softener and clophen
• diluted acids, leachs and saline solutions
• oxidizing agent
• tropical conditions and atmospheric influences
• sea water, oxygen and ozone
• ultraviolet radiation
Temperature range: -80 °C up to +180 °C
Nominal voltage: Uo / U 300 / 500 V
Dielectric test AC voltage: 2.000 V
Approval: in accordance with VDE and EC standards
Note: The cable LiSiHSi 4 x 0,75 mm² is manufactured for a fireproof functionality of 90 minutes.
We point out that our FRNC cables are not examined according to DIN 4102 part 12. This standard
stipulates that the cable must be examined together with bearing system and tapping clips.
Only cables which are examined according to DIN 4102 part 12 have the supplement E30, E60 or E90.
Алексей Удовенко
Ferralux RWA, www. aumuller-aumatic

Ответ от Јмелик[гуру]
Это раздел Знакомста, Любовь, Отношения?))) )За них вечно идет бой!

Ответ от Алексей Пастухов[гуру]
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