fill in the right prepositions where necessary

Автор BauR задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи

Fill in prepositions where necessary и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Нина Еремеева[гуру]
1. You needn't go to...the booking office: it is possible to book .in..advance.
2. Please, I want two lower berths for (to)...the Sevastopol express on.,(for?).Saturday, the second .of..May.
3.1 was looking for the porthole and saw how our plane took .off..
4.1 can give you one upper berth .with..a separate compartment.
5. The train to.Sochi leaves at...eleven-twenty-three from?...platform three, track five.
6. When did you last travel .by..railway?
7. Planes fly with?...a speed about eight hundred kilometres an hour.
8. She bought two tickets .for..a through train .to..Kiev.
9. Fast trains only stop at?...large stations, while slow trains stop .over..all stations.
10. The eleven-fifteen is a fast train with...sleeping accomodation.
11. The train to...Minsk is on?...platform three.
12. When does the plane .to..Warsaw take off.?
197 13. Our train leaves at...eight-twenty-five from?...platform three.
14. We got tickets for ...the fast train to...Ekaterinburg.
15. Why is there no train .to..Portsmouth today?
16. Arriving .at..the station where he was to change .to..the Moscow train, he the inquiry office to find out what platform his train started ...
17. We had to go to...Moscow .by..a slow train because there were no tickets for...a fast train .in (at)..the booking office.
18. Our plane o'clock .in..the morning.
19. We rang .up..the air-travel booking office and reserved seats for...a plane .on..the tenth of...July.
20. It takes you only an hour to get ..Moscow
21.1 could not get a ticket .for..a plane and had to stand in..a long queue to get a seat..for. a train to ...St. Petersburg PS проверяй

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