five rp

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Ответ от Андрей Петров[новичек]
ну чё ответил на вопросы у меня такаежа хрень это что мы не сможем поиграть на этом сервере

Ответ от PoPowerGS[активный]

Ответ от St7i[активный]
What is our server's genre? Light Roleplay Deathmatch/Freeroam Drifting+ Heavy RoleplayWhen is it acceptable to completely ignore another player's out-of-character communication? Always Never +Anytime, as long as it isn't to tell a player why you killed them If they are breaking server rules or encouraging the breaking of server rulesWhich of the following activities is against the rules? Demanding a reason for being killed from your killer through out-of-character communication Requiring that anyone who joins your organization agrees to a character kill contract +Robbing someone's character near the hospital Killing several enemy gang members in a drive-by without warningWhich of the following could be classified as powergaming? Committing a crime in an unrealistic area +Roleplaying acting on instructions from an NPC of your own creation Helping a friend evade police who asked for your help over an out-of-character form of communication Killing another player as part of a contract killingIf you wish to steal a property from another player, which of the following is the correct way to do so? Have the stolen property transferred by filling out the application+ None of these Roleplay it first, then ask for an administrator to transfer the property Obtain administrator permission beforehand by using the report system in-gameWhich of the following activities are controlled because of Rule 6? Character killing another player's character+ Torturing a character Disregarding another player's out-of-character communication Ignoring an administrator's rulingWhich of the following player names would be acceptable? Carl Johnson Mike Rotch Barack Obama +Harry SandersWhich of the following could be classified as metagaming? Identifying an organization in-game based on publicly available information in an in-character section of the forums +Sharing potentially sensitive in-character information about an organization out of character Assuming a character's gang affiliations by their clothing Accepting money in-game to kill a targetAn advanced knowledge of which of the following languages is required on our server? Russian All languages are acceptable Latvian+ EnglishYou are killed. You see your killer later, yell out to them your reasoning for killing them, and kill them to take revenge. Is that acceptable? No, because you did not roleplay with them sufficiently beforehand, so you are guilty of deathmatching Yes, as long as you interacted with them before killing them +No, because killing another player just for killing you is not allowed Yes, because you had a solid reason for killing themВот, пожалуйста

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Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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