for absent friends

Автор Александр Глухих задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи

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Ответ от
He has many friends in Moscow.
Has he many friends in Moscow?
Has he many friends in Moscow or in Omsk?
He has many friends in Moscow, hasn't he
Who has many friends in Moscow?
Отрицательное: He hasn't many friends in Moscow
They are absent from the lesson.
Are they absent from the lesson?
Are they absent from the lesson or the meeting?
They are absent from the lesson, aren't they.
Who is absent from the lesson.
Отриц: they are not absent from the lesson
You come to work in time.
Do you come to work in time?
Do you come to work or to the cinema in time?
You come to work in time, don't you
Who comes to work in time?
You don't come to work in time.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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спросили в Музыка Delimano
какая песня играет в самом начале фильма Хранители?
Треклист "Хранители":
1. Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changing
Боб Дилан - главный поэт и

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