future progressive примеры предложений

Автор Макарычев Михаил задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Помогите с английским!! ! Future progressive. 10 предложений на тему спорт! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Вера Шатковская[новичек]
1 It was said in the news Vitaliy Klichko will be practising for 5 years more. 2 Mark will be buying new trainers for his sport practise at weekends. 3 They will be doing this exercise so that to improve their team game. 4 I won\'t be doing football because I don\'t like it. 5 You will be playing basketball at least for 5 years if you want to become a professional sportsman. 6 Steve and Jane will be doing a lot of sports in the nearest future as they want to lose weight. 7 In summer, when the weather is absolutely fantastic, we\'ll be playing basketball outside. 8 Due to the fact she needs to be slimmer and fitter, Mary will be working out in the gym almost every day. 9 I decided to become a sportsgirl that\'s why I will be playing tennis 3 times a week. 10 People will be doing a lot of sport exercises in 10 years, since sport is very useful for their health. You are welcome! 🙂

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