generation gap

Generation gap перевод

Автор Йоланта задал вопрос в разделе Музыка

Люди что можно написать на эту тему: " The problem of generation gap"???? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Di[гуру]
Generation gap is the major reason today why parents and children are moving away from each other. As we all know, the environment has changed, so has the life style and with that changes the mind of children. Today’s generation doesn’t like others interfering in any of their personal matters, they don’t like parents ordering them, and if they try and tell them what’s wrong for them, they misbehave with their parents. The question arises that, what is the reason behind all this. It is the parents’ mistake or is it cause of the generation gap. Generation gap is basically created by the people themselves. They don’t talk to their children and share their own points of views with the children. The point is that the parents are just so busy with their work and jobs that they don’t have time for their family and their children. And they realize it when there has a huge distance between the kids and the parents. The point is if parents give their children some time from their busy schedule then there would be no such problem. At times you need to act as a friend to your children in order understands them more nicely.

Ответ от Wladimir Hodorov[гуру]
Что часто одна генерация другую не понимает из-за того что в процессе времени нормы и ценности изменяются и то что когда-то было хорошо, совсем не обязателъно является хорошим сегодня.

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