глобальные проблемы на английском языке

Автор Никита Воеводин задал вопрос в разделе Школы

10-15 предложений с любой глобальной проблемой на английском языке и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Denisdenis20000 denisdenis20000[гуру]
Oracle has released its updated list of proposed or targeted Java 9 enhancements. In addition to previously confirmed Java modularity updates, the most recent list includes a common logging system for all JVM components (JEP 158), more HotSpot JIT compiler controls (JEP 158), and refinements to improve the efficiency of garbage collection (JEP 214), and repair issues introduced by Project Coin language updates in JDK 7 (JEP 213).

Ответ от фендр[эксперт]
Environmental problem could lead to a worldwide environmental catastrophe. The first major ecological crisis that jeopardizes the continued existence of human society arose in the prehistoric era. His reasons were as climate change and the activities of primitive man, who as a result of collective hunting and destroyed many large animals inhabiting the northern mid-latitudes (mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, steppe bison, cave bear, etc.). Significant damage to nature already applied synanthropes who lived about 400 thousand. Years ago. They began to use fire, which led to fires, which resulted in destroyed entire forests. However, although the human impact on nature acquired sometimes rampant, until the XX century. they were local.
     Before our eyes ends the era of extensive use of the potential of the biosphere: almost no undeveloped land (except in Russia), systematically increasing the area of deserts, reduced the area of forest - the lungs of the planet, climate change (global warming, the greenhouse effect), increases the amount of carbon dioxide and decreases - oxygen that Deplete the Ozone layer.
     Environmental problem begins with the individual human behavior. If it can be ejected even small debris on the streets or even in the open field, at the level of mass emerging environmental issues. This gives rise to consciousness of the

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Ответ от Елена[гуру]
As the world grows smaller, events in any one area have a greater impact on other parts of the world. National borders do not limit the effects of pollution or environmental destruction. Even poverty in some areas affects other areas because of migration and its impact on the world economy. Three examples of global problems that affect the modern world are famine, pollution, and terrorism. Only few countries are able to produce more food than their citizens need. For the rest of the world, hunger and malnutrition are common. In developing nations, about 150 million children under the age of five go to bed hungry each night. Climate changes and erosion have worsened the problem in some places like Somalia. Moreover, each advance in producing more food is often met with a corresponding increase in population. Terrorism can be defined as the use of violence against civilians for political purposes. It draws attention to a groupa€™s grievances and is used to frighten governments into making concessions. Many radical groups use terrorism. The IRA, for example, used terrorism against the British in an attempt to unify Ireland.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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