Автор Marina Chugunova задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
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Add considerably days. Brighter, straighter steel sunlight and warms strongly in the afternoon. Darkened stripes white veil of snow, and blackened road. Water appeared on the streets ...
Migratory birds begins to gradually appear. Rooks, ruining the high old trees, the beauty of gardens and parks, arrived early and took their ordinary summer apartments, the best birch and aspen groves .Have already started caring hosts straighten their old nests of new materials, breaking for strong whitish noses top shoots of woody branches. Far heard them loud and tiresome cry when at evening, after a day's work, they all rassyadutsya cathedral, always in pairs, and the like will deliberate on the future of the life and times .
The Rooks Have Arrived Add considerably days. Brighter, straighter steel sunlight and warms strongly in the afternoon. Darkened stripes white veil of snow, and blackened road. Water appeared on the streets ...
Migratory birds begins to gradually appear. Rooks, ruining the high old trees, the beauty of gardens and parks, arrived early and took their ordinary summer apartments, the best birch and aspen groves. Far heard them loud and tiresome cry when at evening, after a day's work, they all rassyadutsya cathedral, always in pairs, and the like will deliberate on the future of the life and times.
The Rooks Have Arrived - уже смешно....:)
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"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is an English-language pangram (a phrase that