hair raising rides

Автор Ася Вирячева задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Елена Хлопенко[гуру]
1) I've always wanted to do such exciting things.
A lot of exciting things have happened to her this year.
He hasn't done any exciting thing over the past 2 years.
2) Have you ever interviewed any interesting people?
She's never seen so many interesting people in one place.
They are going to throw a party next week and they've already invited a lot interesting people.
3) I've made a lot of new friends recently.
His new friends have just left for London.
Her new friends haven't been to her performance so far.
4) She hasn't been to fantastic beaches like this one for ages.
Have you ever been to the fantastic beaches of Seychelles?
Fantastic beaches like this one has always attracted me.
5) Have you ever been to a famous park?
They haven't visited a famous park yet.
Has she been to a famous park since she came here?
6) He is afraid of heights, that's why he's never ridden on hair-raising rides.
Have you always preferred hair-raising rides to ordinary entertainments?
Has she gone on any hair-raising rides yet?
7) It's the second time I've seen these beautiful pictures.
She's already seen these beautiful pictures.
He's never been able to paint so beautiful pictures like these ones.

Ответ от Stanislawa[гуру]
1.I have already seen many exciting things.
2.Interesting people have just done interesting work.
3. New friends haven't bought some bread yet.
4.I have just visited fantastic beaches .
5.I have met him today in the famous park
.6.She has not taken part yet at the hair-raising rides
.7.He has just bought a new beautiful pictures .

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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