Автор Дарья Чуприна задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи
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Ответ от Нина Еремеева[гуру]
1. I’ve (lost, my passport
2. Have I seen) it anywhere?
3. Someone has eaten the chocolates! They are nearly all gone!
4. How many exercises have you done today?
5. They have traveled,around Europe for 3 months
6. We have spent, all our money for presents to our relatives
7. They have arranged) a special excursion for the group
8. Hе has explored, America’s history cities with the experienced sightseeing company9. We have been waiting? for the tickets for two weeks but we haven’t got them
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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