he was being laughed when i came

Автор *-*(SuDDeN_LoVe)*-* задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

English(Home work) и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Olga Tishineva[гуру]
A.Rewrite these sentences in the passive.
1.He'll read an interesting story to them. - An interesting story will be read to them (by him).
2.Mother explained everything to her. - Everything was explained to her (by her mother).
3.They'll send a lot of letters to Misha. - A lot of letters will be sent to Misha (by them).
4.We always buy bread for her. - Bread is always bought for her (by us).
5.Somebody sold these trainers very cheaply. - These trainers were sold very cheaply.
B.Find the mistakes and correct them.There are sentences without mistakes.
1.Us was shown the house yesterday. - The house was shown to us yesterday.
2.They'll be sent a fax tomorrow. - No mistakes!
3.They were recommended a good teacher. - No mistakes! (НО лучше сказать - A good teacher was recommended to them)
4.Me has already been told this story. - No mistakes! (НО лучше сказать - This story has already been told to me)
5.The child is read books every day. - The child READS boods every day. (Books are read by this child every day).
6.Tourists were offered cold drinks. No mistakes! (BUT - Cold drinks were offered to tourists).
7.Next month she is paid 3000 roubles. - She will be paid 3000 roubles next month (3000 roubles will be paid to her next month).
C.Put in the missing prepositions and translate into Russian.
1.He was being laughed AT when I came. - Когда я вошёл, над ним смеялись.
2.The doctor has already been sent FOR- За врачом уже послали.
3.The child will be looked AFTER by my sister. - За ребёнком присмотрит моя сестра.
4.They were waited FOR 20 minutes yesterday. - Из вчера ждали 20 минут.
5.This book is often referred TO - На эту книгу часто ссылаются.
6.His arrival was insisted ON - На его приезде настаивали.
7.This man is always relied ON - На этого человека всегда можно положиться.
8.His plans were objected TO (AGAINST) - Против его планов возражали.
D.Translate into English.
1.На эту статью обычно ссылаются. - This article is usually referred to.
2.Над ниМ часто смеются. - He is often laughed at.
3.За бабушкой будет ухаживать его сестра. - The granny will be looked after by his sister..
4.Его рассказ слушали, когда я вошёл. - His story was being listened to, when I came.
5.Против его планов всегда возражают. - His plans are always objected to (against.)
6.Её ждали, когда она позвонила. - She was being waited for, when she called (when she phone; when she rang up)

Ответ от Cветлана Дегтярева[активный]
Have you already been in the shop?(верно)
Yes,I HAVE(исправила)
Did you buy anything(исправила)
And what did you do after school?(исправила)
I watched a film from 4 to 6(верно)
While I was watching it,my Grandma was phoning me(исправила)

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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1. She was nervous as she felt someone was looking at her. She was nervous as she felt she was

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