house of commons

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Ответ от Наталья Коваленко[гуру]
It is rather difficult to understand the British way of ruling the country. In Britain the Queen is the Head of the State, but in fact she doesn\'t rule the country as she has no power. The Queen is the Head of the country history and its traditions. She is very rich. She travels about the United Kingdom, meets different people and visits schools, hospitals and other special places. So do all members of the Royal family. At the beginning of the century many countries all over the wourld were ruled by Britain. All of them were included into the British Empire and were its colonies. Now these are independent states. But in 1949 Britain and the former colonies founded the Commonwealth. The real power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government. The British Parliament has two \"houses\": the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords doesn\'t have much power, but it is very important as it can offer and change laws, it can delay laws too. The House of Commons makes laws about the policy of the country, taxes and many other things. The members of the House of Lords are not elected. These members are permanent. The members of the House of Commons are elected. The British people elect 650 members of the House of Commons every five years. Вот такой пойдет?

Ответ от ***[гуру]
Political System of Britain Britain is a parliamentary democracy. Its formal title is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The membership in the Hou

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what the diffference between the House of Lords and the House of Commons is
The House of Lords (also known as House of Peers for ceremonial purposes) is the upper house, but

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1.Great Britain is situated in the north-west coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean on the
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1) The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II.
2) The legislative power in the country is
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1. It's formed of of the following parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

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b) reason: The United Kingdom comprises four countries: England, Scotland, Wales
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