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Ответ от Mike Noldman[гуру]
От разраба:
After trying to reinstall I had an error at the end stating
Module C:Program Files (x86)SonyShared Plug-InsAudio_x64sfppack1_x64.dll failed to register. HRESULT -2147010895
When searching Google I didn't find a single working fix, so I figured it out myself and just want to post this for others searching for the fix.
1) Run the installer until you get the error message and leave it up
2) Type %appdata% into the Windows search
3) Go back/up two folders to Local, then Temp, there's a Sony folder with a set of installation files
4) Go to the ReDist folder, it may also have a different name, install the Redist file in that folder
5) Cancel the original error so it rolls back
6) Re-Run the downloaded installer and enjoy Vegas!
От разраба:
After trying to reinstall I had an error at the end stating
Module C:Program Files (x86)SonyShared Plug-InsAudio_x64sfppack1_x64.dll failed to register. HRESULT -2147010895
When searching Google I didn't find a single working fix, so I figured it out myself and just want to post this for others searching for the fix.
1) Run the installer until you get the error message and leave it up
2) Type %appdata% into the Windows search
3) Go back/up two folders to Local, then Temp, there's a Sony folder with a set of installation files
4) Go to the ReDist folder, it may also have a different name, install the Redist file in that folder
5) Cancel the original error so it rolls back
6) Re-Run the downloaded installer and enjoy Vegas!
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