i climbed a big tree yesterday

Автор Student gold задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи

Еще одна простая контрольная по английскому и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от AnnWhisper[активный]
1. I went to the zoo last night.
2. We have never been there before.
3. Bob has not done his work yet.
4. They have just had lunch.
5. It rained in this city yesterday.
6. The fire has already gone out.
7. He wrote a letter to his girl friend last week.
8. Tom got some mail yesterday.
9. I have read all the newspapers today.
10. Pete had been absent from the class two days ago.
1. I have heard this radio program several times.
Have I heard this radio program several times?
Who has heard this radio program several times?
What have you heard several times?
How many times have you heard this radio program?
What program have you heard several times?
You have heard this radio program several times, haven't you?
Have I or they heard this radio program several times?
Have I heard this radio program several times or just once?
- I haven't ever heard this radio program.
2. She bought a dress in Paris.
Who bought a dress in Paris?
Whad did she buy in Paris?
Where did she buy a dress?
She bought a dress in Paris, didn't she?
Did she buy a dress or a coat in Paris?
- She didn't buy a dress in Paris.
3. They have already seen that exhibition.
Have they already seen that exhibition?
Who have already seen that exhibition?
What have they have seen already?
Have they or he already seen that exibition?
They have already seen that exhibition, haven't they?
- They haven't seen that exhibition yet.
4. We finished exercise some minutes ago.
Did we finish exercise some minutes ago?
When did we finish exercise?
Who finished exercise some minutes ago?
What did we finish exercise some minutes ago?
Did we finish exercise some minutes or one hour ago?
We finished exercise some minutes ago, didn't we?
- We didn't finished exercise.
5. Jack has climbed a very tall tree.
Who has climbed a very tall tree?
Where has Jack climbed?
What tree has Jack climbed ?
Has Jack or his friend climbed a very tall tree?
Jack has climbed a very tall tree, hasn't he?
- Jack hasn't climbed a very tall tree.
1. My friend has already left for Moscow. - Мой друг уже уехал из Москвы (покинул Москву) .
2. Have you been abroad? - Ты бывал за границей?
3 Bobby was sick and stayed at home yesterday afternoon. - Бобби нездоровилось, и весь вчерашний день он провел дома.
4. I have not played tennis since last year. - Я не играл в теннис с прошлого года.
5. David has already repaired the radio. - Дэвид уже починил радио.
6. He has already read some books in the original. - Он уже прочитал несколько книг в оригинале (на языке оригинала) .
7. We laughed at the funny story. - Мы смеялись над забавной историей. 8. My sister has been to the theatre twice this month. - В этом месяце моя сестра уже 2 раза побывала в театре. 9. I washed the dirty dishes after dinner last night. - Прошлой ночью я мыл посуду, оставшуюся после ужина. 10. The boys ate the ice-cream. - Мальчишки ели это мороженое.

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