Complete each gap in the conversation (26–30) with a, an, some or any заполните пробел нужным словом

Автор Елена Попова задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Complete each gap in the conversation (26–30) with a, an, some or any заполните пробел нужным словом и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Нина Еремеева[гуру]
Regent Hotel. How can I help you?
B Hello. I’d like to book a room, please, for next Tuesday night.
A Tuesday the 25th? Yes, there are -.26 non-smoking rooms on that date.
Do you want .27 single or 28 double?
B A single, please. Is there .29 Internet connection in the room?
A We’ve got wireless broadband in every room.
B Oh, great. And are there.30 restaurants near the hotel?
A There are two in the hotel, and three very near the hotel.
B Great.
Перед числительными никаких артиклей не надо! Тем более some или any.Очень странное задание.


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