i have never heard this song

Автор Ўлия Аборина задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Mashanya[гуру]
1)When I CAME, my mother WAS COOKING dinner .
2)Who PLAYED yesterday?
3)There isn't ANYBODY in the room.
4) I have never HEARD this song .
5)There IS some waters in the cup.
6) He is going TO WATCH TV.
7) Last month I WORKED hard.
8)Did you really cook it HERSELF?
9)She WAS PLAYING the piano from 2 till 3 yesterday .
10)The film HAD BEGUN when they arrived at the cinema.
11)I was DOING my homework while he was watching TV.
12)If you freeze water, it WILL TURN to ice
13) He didn't get MANY presents on his birthday.

Ответ от Катерина Попова[гуру]
1) had cooked
2) без did
3) aren't вместо isn't
4) hearD
5) water
6) watch
7) I worked
8) yourself вместо myself
10) had arrived
11) had вместо was
13) many вместо much
Извини, что не все, но я не знаю какие ошибки там, где я не ответила

Ответ от LL Cool J[новичек]
1) When I comed, my mother was cooking dinner.
2) Who did play yesterday?
3) There is nobody in the room.
4) I have never heard this song
5) There are some water in the cup или There are a little water in the cup. тут смотря в чем ошибка. В первом варианте ошибка в том, что вода не может быть во множественном числе. Во втором случае просто с неисчислимыми существительными в небольшом количестве лучше употреблять a little. Но я советую первый вариант.
6) He is going to watch TV
7) I worked hard last month
8) Did you really cook it for me?
9) She was playing the piano from 2 till 3 yesterday/
10) The film have already begun, when they arrived at the cinema
11) I was doing my homework? while he was watching TV
12) If you freeze water, it will turn to ice
13) He didn't get many presents on his birthday.

Ответ от Sds sad[гуру]
удалил свой пост

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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