Автор Anna Bus задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика
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Ответ от Dora Samuels[мастер]
When did I visit my sister? Where did my mother work? Did she take her child\'s temperature? Who did decide to stay in this hotel? Was his wound very bad? Where did they go after classes? What did a nurse give to an injured woman?
Ответ от КАКУ[гуру]
When did I visit my sister? Where did my mother work? Did she take her child's temperature? Who did to decide to stay in this hotel? Was his wound very bad? Where did they go after classes? What did give a nurse to an injured woman
When did I visit my sister? Where did my mother work? Did she take her child's temperature? Who did to decide to stay in this hotel? Was his wound very bad? Where did they go after classes? What did give a nurse to an injured woman
Ответ от Firenze[гуру]
1When did you visit my sister? 2Where did my mother work? 3Did shi take her child"s temperature? 4 Who decided to stay in this hospital? 5 Was his wound very bad? 6Where did they go after classes? 7What did a nurse give to an injured woman?
1When did you visit my sister? 2Where did my mother work? 3Did shi take her child"s temperature? 4 Who decided to stay in this hospital? 5 Was his wound very bad? 6Where did they go after classes? 7What did a nurse give to an injured woman?
Ответ от Вера[гуру]
1. When did I visit my sister? 2. Where did my mother work? 3. Did she take her child's temperature? 4. Who did decide to stay in this hotel? 5. Was his wound very bad? 6. Where did they go after classes? 7. What did a nurse do?
1. When did I visit my sister? 2. Where did my mother work? 3. Did she take her child's temperature? 4. Who did decide to stay in this hotel? 5. Was his wound very bad? 6. Where did they go after classes? 7. What did a nurse do?
Ответ от Марья Экспериментатор[активный]
Все ответы хорошие, только вот все путаются с четвертым вопросом.. . Там должно быть Who decided to stay in this hotel. так как это вопрос к подлежащему, то есть вопросительное слово становится на его место, и потому вспомогательный глагол не
Все ответы хорошие, только вот все путаются с четвертым вопросом.. . Там должно быть Who decided to stay in this hotel. так как это вопрос к подлежащему, то есть вопросительное слово становится на его место, и потому вспомогательный глагол не
Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
Привет! Вот подборка тем с ответами на Ваш вопрос: Нужно составить вопросы к предложениям по английскому. Кому не трудно, пожалуйста
спросили в Каникулы Champ Car
нужен топик по англискому на тему "мои каникулы" не сложный
1. My Summer Holidays (Мои летние каникулы)
Most people like to leave their places on holidays.
нужен топик по англискому на тему "мои каникулы" не сложный
1. My Summer Holidays (Мои летние каникулы)
Most people like to leave their places on holidays.
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1. \'HAVE you ever been to the Kremlin?\' - \' Of course,we HAVE. We WERE there last Sunday.\'\'