i you

You and me are irresistible

Автор Зайка задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Какие правила и особенности употребления "you and me" и "you and I"? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Алексей Полюдов[гуру]
[taken from : I find this explanation perfect]
Should it be "you and I" or "you and me?" It depends, doesn't it? "You and I eat pizza." But, "They know you and me," and, "They smiled at you and me." And, "The winners are you and I." The difference is nominative case (subject or predicate nominative) "you and I" and objective case (direct object, indirect object, and object of a preposition) "you and me." Does that sound difficult? Actually it is simple. Remove the "you and" to see if "I" or "me" sounds right:
"I eat pizza," so "You and I eat pizza."
"They know me," so "They know you and me."
"They smiled at me," so "They smiled at you and me."
"The winner is I," (honest) so "The winners are you and I."

Ответ от Елена Кудрявцева[активный]
you and I - неграмотная фраза. You and me- литературная норма. You and I встречается только у носителей языка.

Ответ от LABoogie[гуру]
Елена х-ню написала.
You and I / you and me употребляются так же, как они бы употреблялись без "you" и без "and".
You and I went to movies yesterday (I went to movies yesterday).
There is only you and me (There is only me)

Ответ от Fierysteed[гуру]
You and me
Если говорят you and I - отвечай ХЕНДЕ ХОХ!

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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