я люблю путешествовать на английском

я люблю путешествовать текст на английском языке

Автор Ангелочек задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи

сочинение по английскому почему ты любишь путешествовать и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Simas Pocius[гуру]
Travelling is an enjoyable and wonderful experience.I think everyone enjoys travelling whereas a few detest travelling and prefer to stay at home.Many people like to travel with a companion or prefer to travel alone.I prefer to travel with a friend or family. We can share the moments together.Wherever we go, we go as a group.We have loads of fun as we are all together and enjoy those precious moments that we spend with our family as those moments cannot return.While travelling in a group we gain knowledge together. Life is an adventure and we only live once. So I like to travel to broaden my mind, for adventure and for opportunity and to discover the unknown…the list goes on.Traveling is a good learning experience about the world, and helps me not to take things for granted, as well as enjoy all the people and beautiful places / foods / languages out there.A lot of the places we can visit haven't changed for centuries.It's a great place to photograph.Travelling has to be fun and enjoyable.So I prefer to travel with a companion rather than to travel alone as it is boring to travel alone.

Ответ от Vampire[гуру]
Тупая тема, так все понятно. Но сочинение можно написать на русском и через перевончик на английский перевести)

Ответ от Ирунчик[гуру]
я полностью согласна с ответом выше! я так всегда делаю!

Ответ от Andrey B.[гуру]
i like to travel, rspecialli on much expensive countries, becouse all my friends will be screw with envyмда.. . слабовато для сочинения да и грамота хрмает.. . наверное сама сочиняй 🙂 Ангелочек. 🙂

Ответ от Secret[гуру]
набери в поисковике "топики", там всё есть

Ответ от Зварич Оксана[новичек]

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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