id like to tell you about

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Люди, кому не сложно и кто шарит в английском, переведите: и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Пчёлка[гуру]
I’d like to tell you about my family, and particularly about traditions of my family. As well as any other family, mine has some traditions too which have not been lost for ages. I think I’d better begin with daily tradition, with the first holiday of a year - a New Year. This night our family gathers together and as soon as the clock strikes12 times, we celebrate all together. We have a fur-tree in our house, it is such a tradition. Also we always gather on Easter, all our small families which at the table make one greater family/ As to summer, we have a rest somewhere every year, more often at the seaside. We are accustomed to having pet dogs, I’ve remembered it since my birth and up to now. In general it would be possible to continue long the list of our traditions, but I think enough. And what traditions have you got?

Ответ от Евгения М.[гуру]
I wish to tell to you about my family, and in particular about traditions of my family.As well as any other family, washing too has the some traditions which are not lost in the course of time.I think better to begin with tradition of each year, with 1го a holiday in a year - since New Year.This night our family gathers all structure and as soon as will punch 12, we celebrate all together.We in each New year have in houses a fur-tree, it is such tradition.Also we always gather on a holiday of Christmas Christ's, all small families which behind a table will make one big family.Who concerning summer, we somewhere have a rest every year, more often by the seas.At us in a family it is accepted to have dogs, it I remember since a birth and to now.In general it would be possible to continue long the list of our traditions, but I think enough.And what traditions at you?

Ответ от Alina[гуру]
I would like to tell you about my family, particularly about my family traditions. Like any other family, mine has some traditions of its own, which are not lost through the years. I think it would be better to begin with every year's tradition, with the first holiday of the year - the New Year's Day. At that night our family gathers together and as soon as the clock strikes midnight, we all celebrate. Every New Year's we have a Christmas tree, it is also a tradition. We also gather for the holiday of Christmas, all of our little families, who, when gathered around the table, make one big family. As for summertime, we go on vacation every year, usually to the seaside. Also, I am used to having dogs in my family, I remember having one ever since I was a baby. Anyway, I could go on and on with the list of our traditions, but I assume what I have said so far is enough. And what traditions do you have?PSребята, с каких это пор fur-tree это елка??? Новый Год как праздник - New Year's Day, а New Year (как перевели до меня, похоже через гугл) - это просто новый год, как новый день или новый месяцEaster - это вообще-то Пасха, а Christmas Christ's - это каламбур. на английском просто говорят Christmas это само собой подразумевает Рождество Христово

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