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Кто хорошо знает английский язык, помогите пожалуйста перевести на англ. текст!!!! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Anton Merzlyakov[гуру]
1. At last we have arrived to London. I so am happy. I always wished to visit(attend) capital Velikobritanii.-And I too. 2. It(he) has told, that was born in 1973, 3. It is interesting, whether they have received letters which we have sent on the last Monday, 4. Darkens. I think, we should include light. 5. About an hour it(she) sat on a bench, observing of that, honour occured(happened) in a court yard. 6. I know it(him) well. I know its(his) all life. 7. What today remarkable weather! 8. The big Bad Wolf wished to know, where goes Red Шапочка, and it(he) has asked it(her) about it(this). It(he) also has asked, .где there lives its(her) grandmother. 9. « if you will tell to me, that has occured(happened) to you, and will not hide anything, I shall not punish you », — it(she) has told to the younger brother.
10) What address at you?-unless you still do not have data? Unless you did not hear? I see in the house №43 on Green street.

Ответ от Алексей Володин[новичек]
1. At last we have arrived to London. I so am happy. I always wished to visit capital of the Great Britain. - and I too. 2. He has told, that was born in 1973, 3. It is interesting, whether they have received letters which we have sent last Monday, 4. Darkens. I think, we should include light. 5. About an hour it sat on a bench, observing of that, honour occurred in a court yard. 6. I know it well. I know its all life. 7. What today remarkable weather! 8. The big Bad Wolf wished to know, where there is a Red Hat, and he has asked it about it. He also has asked. there lives its grandmother. 9. «If you tell to me, that has occurred to you, and will not hide anything, I will not punish you», - she has told to the younger brother.
10) What address at you?-Unless you still do not have data? Unless you did not hear? I see in the house №43 on Green street.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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