климат шотландии

Автор Ўлия задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Кто знает английский язык, Пожалуйста!!!!Помогите первести текст. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Angelo4ek[новичек]
1.What climate of Scotland?-Climate in Scotland not such soft, as in England. In winter in Scotland is snow and in the north similarly coldly, as well as in Saint Petersburg. The winter in Scotland is not such long, as in Saint Petersburg or in Moscow.2.A weather in London changes of day of vden' and even during a day. A morning can be a sun, and a rain can begin in the day-time.3. 80 percents of territory of our country are in a moderate area. In most districts a climate is continental, a summer is hot and short, the winter is cold and long. The most warm part of country is the black Sea coast. There the winter is soft and not very much long, and a summer is very hot and long. In Siberia there is more continental climate, than in European part of our country. The winter there more cold and longer, and a summer is hotter and shorter.4. Winds of norths, which blow from the Arctic ocean, have influence on the climate of Finland.5.Enormous the masses of cold air from Arctic pass above Canada and reduce a temperature in its northlands.

Ответ от Gelee[новичек]
1.What climate of Scotland? -Klimat in Scotland not such soft, as in England. In winter in Scotland it snows and in the north similarly coldly, as well as in Saint Petersburg. The winter in Scotland is not such long, as in Saint Petersburg or in Moscow.2.A weather in London changes of day of vden' and even during a day. A morning can be a sun, and a rain can begin in the day-time.3. 80 percents of territory of our country are in a moderate area. In most districts a climate is continental, a summer is hot and short, the winter cold and long. The most warm part of country is the black Sea coast. There the winter is soft and not very much long, and summer very hot and long. In Siberia there is more continental climate, than in European part of our country. The winter there more cold and longer, and a summer is hotter and shorter.4. North winds which blow from the Arctic ocean have influence on a climate Finland.5.Enormous the masses of cold air from Arctic pass above Canada and reduce a temperature in its northlands.

Ответ от ***[гуру]
1. What is the climate of Scotland? - The climate of Scotland is not so gentle like in England. It is snowing in winter in Scotland and in the north it is very cold, like in St. Petersburg. Winter in Scotland is not do long like in St. Petersburg or Moscow.2. The weather in London changes day by day and even during the day. It can be sunny in the morning and it can be raining in the afternoon.

Ответ от Aishka[гуру]
1. What climate of Scotland? A-climate in Scotland not such soft, as in England. In the winter in Scotland it is snowing and in the north as it is cold, as well as in St.-Petersburg. Winter in Scotland not such long, as in St.-Petersburg or in Moscow. 2. Weather in London varies from day pass and even within day. Morning can be solar, and the rain in the afternoon can begin. 3.80 percent of territory of our country are in the moderate zone. In the majority of areas a climate continental, summer hot and short, winter cold and long. The warmest part of the country - the Black Sea coast. There winter soft and not so long, and summer very hot and long. In Siberia more continental climate, than in the European part of our country. The winter there more coldly and more longly, and summer жарче and is shorter. 4. Northern winds which blow from Arctic ocean, influence a climate of Finland. 5. Huge weights of cold air from Arctic regions pass above Canada and reduce temperature in its northern areas.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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