крокодил и обезьяна

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Ответ от Relli Fife[новичек]
living were like the monkey and crocodile. Between themselves, they did not get along, word did not like each other !
Monkey once walked through the jungle and suddenly sees a snake, obezna begged her for mercy do not have it, but the snake was hungry, now the snake began to dinner when suddenly pops crocodile, and he ate the snake, monkey for a long time thanking the crocodile, but the crocodile said - I also wanted to have .
жили были как то обезьяна и крокодил. Между собой они не ладили, словом не любили друг другу!
Обезьяна однажды шла по джунглям, и вдруг видит змею, обезьна молила ее о пощаде не есть ее, но змея была голодной, вот уже змея принялась за обед как вдруг выскакивает крокодил, и он съел змею, обезьяна долго благодарила крокодила, но крокодил сказал -мне тоже есть хотелось.

Ответ от LetSpleyshiK/ Assasin_play[новичек]
The Little Monkey and the Crocodile
Once upon a time on a tree there lived a little monkey. It was very funny. The monkey was brown. Its name was Cheeta. Cheeta liked bananas. But the monkey didn`t have friends.
One day Cheeta saw a crocodile. It was green. The crocodile was hungry. The monkey was kind. The monkey gave the banana to the Crocodile.
The Crocodile was happy. And they made friends.
Давным - давно жила-была на дереве маленькая обезьянка. Она была очень забавная. Обезьянка была коричневая. Её звали Чита. Чита любила бананы. Но у обезьянки не было друзей.
Однажды обезьянка увидела крокодила. Он был зелёный. Крокодил был голодный. А обезьянка была добрая. Чита дала крокодилу банан.
Крокодил был счастлив. И они стали друзьями.

Ответ от Александр Гантимуров[гуру]
living were like the monkey and crocodile. Between themselves, they did not get along, word did not like each other !
Monkey once walked through the jungle and suddenly sees a snake, obezna begged her for mercy do not have it, but the snake was hungry, now the snake began to dinner when suddenly pops crocodile, and he ate the snake, monkey for a long time thanking the crocodile, but the crocodile said - I also wanted to have .

Ответ от ™Ќara?e?ьќa™[эксперт]
One little monkey went for a walk and met on the way a crocodile is very scared and jumped into a tree and the crocodile swam away quietly when the monkey climbed down and calmed down but suddenly saw a bright yellow tree appetizing banana and she really wanted to try it. she quietly climbed the vines but suddenly slipped and fell to the ground but did not give up.

Ответ от Пётр Фатенин[новичек]
Little crocidale and funny manky played togeiher

Ответ от Жаныл Талантбекова[новичек]

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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