
Автор Fier задал вопрос в разделе Другое

Что такое мошинг? Что такое мошинг/ Моши? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Победа[гуру]
Moshing, in a strict sense, is a style of dance whose participants push or slam into each other. It is most associated with "aggressive" music genres, such as hardcore punk, rock and heavy metal. It has also been emerging in the heavier club genres like dubstep and drum and bass. It is primarily done to live music, although it can be done to recorded music.[1]
Many variations of moshing exist, and can be done alone as well as in groups. Common events in moshing would be a "circle pit" or the more extreme wall of death, and are typically done in an area in the center of the crowd, generally closer to the stage, mosh pit or simply pit. A mosh pit can open up anywhere in the crowd by means of "crack-back" (where a group pushes back against everyone around them with their arms outstretched), people shoving each other into others until space is made, or simply swinging their arms and legs violently until space clears around them.
While moshing is seen as a form of positive feedback or expression of enjoyment,[1][2] it has also drawn criticism over its dangerous nature. Injuries and a few deaths have been reported. However, it is generally agreed that moshers are not trying to harm one another,[1] and that they follow an unwritten "moshing etiquette".
Источник: Переводи

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]
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спросили в Другое
Что такое мош ?
На Западе все виды «агрессивных плясок» называют — mosh pits, moshing. У нас же самый

Могли бы вы немного рассказать о моше слэме и стене смерти ...))
На Западе все виды «агрессивных плясок» называют — mosh pits, moshing. У нас же самый
спросили в Другое
что такое слэм?
Слэм – это довольно жесткая форма физического контакта между людьми. Участие в концертном рубилове,
Мош на Википедии
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